Thursday, May 22, 2008

Play Day!! (Otherwise known as Exercise #4)

So I have been working on Exercise #4 for awhile now because it is such a long and involved exercise. Rollyo was really cool. I made a "Suzie's Travel Sites" search engine and a "Suzie's Recipe's" search engine. I can see how this would be helpful for us on the reference desk particularly if we make a rollyo with links such as FantasticFiction and Amazon. I took a look at the Webjunction website and got some new ideas for Reader's Advisory sites. can be helpful, much like, in finding lots of reviews of a particular title. I have already been using my GoodReads page for awhile and you can get more reviews at once than you can on Amazon. It is also a great organization tool!
Pandora of course is incredibly fun, but since I don't want to play loud music at the reference desk, this is something I will play with more at home. I typically end up with songs I already know and like playing on my "John Mayer Radio" but occasionally get introduced to something new. I also recently made a "Contemporary Folk" station as well. I actually have dabbled in Pandora before (Thank you Eric) and it really is a fun toy!

I agree with most everyone's posts that the image generators are SO fun but I am failing to see how they will help us at the reference desk. They are tension breakers, stress relievers and all around just funny. I am not sure how I will work their use into my normal reference services on a day to day basis. My personal favorites were the Chuck Norris random facts, the insult generator and the Bart Simpson blackboard...

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